Administracyjna Placówka Oświatowa - Gorzkowice

Adres: Kościelna 26, 97-350 Gorzkowice, Polska.
Telefon: 446818211.

Specjalności: Szkoła.

Opinie: Ta firma ma 0 recenzji na Google My Business.
Średnia opinia: 0/5.

Lokalizacja Administracyjna Placówka Oświatowa

Administracyjna Placówka Oświatowa znajduje się w Gorzkowicach, przy ulicy Kościelna 26. Jej kontaktowy numer telefonu to 446818211. Jest to specjalistyczna szkoła, co oznacza, że oferuje naukę w określonych dziedzinach.

Le strongly recommend visiting their website to learn more about the specific specializations they offer. Unfortunately, there are no reviews available on Google My Business for this institution, so it is difficult to provide an opinion based on the experiences of others. However, this does not necessarily reflect negatively on the quality of education provided.

The location of Administracyjna Placówka Oświatowa is certainly a advantage. Gorzkowice is a small town located in central Poland, making it accessible for students from many different regions. The school's proximity to local amenities such as shops, restaurants, and public transportation options is also a plus.

In terms of the school's facilities, it is always recommended to schedule a tour or visit to see firsthand the resources and learning environments available. While specific details are not available online, a visit can provide a better understanding of the school's offerings and whether it would be a good fit for a potential student's needs.

When considering any educational institution, it is important to take into account the opinions of current and former students. While there are no reviews available for Administracyjna Placówka Oświatowa, it is always a good idea to ask for references or speak with others who have attended the school.

Overall, if you are looking for a specialized educational institution in Gorzkowice, Administracyjna Placówka Oświatowa is worth considering. While there is limited information available online, a visit to the school and direct communication with staff and administrators can provide a clearer picture of what they have to offer.

We strongly recommend visiting their website and reaching out to the school directly for more information. Who knows, Administracyjna Placówka Oświatowa could be the perfect fit for your educational journey

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